Young people from the Irish Wheelchair Association and the Tallaghtfornia Foroige Club supported by Tallaght Youth Service who both share meeting space in St. Kevin’s Family Resource Centre have joined together to participate in an arts project. The two groups came together with CROI GLAN to create an incredible dance performance in July 2009. The groups worked with CROI GLAN on Saturday, July 25th at Brookfield Youth and Community Centre to choreograph a dance piece that was performed at the Civic Theatre on Sunday, July 26th. The piece, “Do Look Now” brought the young people together in a participatory form of dance that encouraged trust and self-expression.

The documentary shown here tells the story of the weekend as it progressed and the amazing dance performance that the young people developed together with Croí Glan. The film documents well the way in which Croí Glan work and stands as an ideal example of an education opportunity with Croí Glan Inegrated Dance Company.

This film is a documentary about DO LOOK NOW.


Stop and Stare